Do you ever wish you could start over?
Yank time backwards and make some different choices? With the benefit of hindsight you could stop a lot of heartache, a lot of conflict, a lot of angst.
If I take myself - I careered into this world as a deeply anxious soul. My teenage years were spent in a perpetual state of anxiety - and I didn't even really notice, because to be insecure, stressed and just generally wound about things was my normal.
It took a lot ...and a mean a lot .... of concrete examples of God's faithfulness for me to finally relax my grip.
"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation"
Yank time backwards and make some different choices? With the benefit of hindsight you could stop a lot of heartache, a lot of conflict, a lot of angst.
If I take myself - I careered into this world as a deeply anxious soul. My teenage years were spent in a perpetual state of anxiety - and I didn't even really notice, because to be insecure, stressed and just generally wound about things was my normal.
It took a lot ...and a mean a lot .... of concrete examples of God's faithfulness for me to finally relax my grip.
"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation"
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