Greater than our hearts

"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence, whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts and he knows everything." 1 John 3: 16-20

Had a good chat over the weekend with a friend about love and neediness. Reminded me of how bad we are (well, I am) at loving. We can be pretty good at 'loving' , or thinking that we're loving when it's convenient.....when we can get something we want in the process. We can be experts at loving 'in words and tongue.' And that's just human to human love...when it comes to loving God (not just his gifts!)....well ...

Jesus' question to Peter is uniquely beautiful and disturbingly haunting:

"Simon, Son of John, do you love me?"

Such a harrowing question for Peter, fresh from failure - abject failure to stand by, to serve, let alone love his Lord. But Jesus is greater than our hearts. He knows everything. He knows. That's why he came - to love us   in the only way that truly and finally sets us free to love.

"This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him."  1 John 4:9

"Jesus died not only so that we would have forgiveness for not loving as we should, but also so that we would have the desire, wisdom and power to love as we should.

Jesus died so that you would have what it takes to make the decision to get out of bed and do what you promised even though you are weary and discouraged.

Jesus suffered so that you could face hurt and mistreatment with wisdom and grace.

Jesus died so that you would resist the temptation to give in, give up, run away or quit.

Jesus shed his blood so that you would have the power to edit your words and say what is wholesome even when you have been spoken to in ways that are unkind.

Jesus died so that in the face of the death of your dreams you would take up the better dream of what he has called you to. 

Jesus suffered so that you would have the wisdom you need to deal with things you did not expect and don't fully understand.

Jesus shed his blood so that you would have the power to grow and change.

Jesus suffered in love so that in your struggle to love you would never, ever be alone...He was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice of love because he knew that was the only way you would ever get what it takes to love as you have been called to love. 

Jesus knew that your struggle to love is so deep that a certain system of wisdom or a certain set of provisions wouldn't be enough. He knew the only thing that would help you would be if he gave you himself. So that is exactly what he did. He gave himself so that right here, right now, you would have the resources you need to live a concrete and continuing life of love."                            
                                                                                                   Paul David Tripp


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